Youth is the foundation of the country’s development and hence the investment in youth must be the fundamental agenda of any country. SCF has  deeper understanding that addressing issues of youth and Youth is the foundation of the country’s development and hence the investment in comprehensive youth empowerment and engagement model implementing the intervention ranging from organizing and creating awareness among young people on social issues as well creating spaces for learning, developing technical skills, and enhancing knowledge on job related skills to compete with the challenges of modern world.  SCF has implemented a number of project to address health  and SRHR issues of young  people in different districts of Sindh and also engaged them to advocate for youth friendly health services. Having this understanding, SCF has been engaging youth for social development. SCF received a small grant from United Nations Habitat –Youth Fund for a one-year Youth Empowerment. This project imparted knowledge and skills to youth living in Slum settlements of Hyderabad. SCF has implemented a dozen of projects focusing on youth people in different thematic areas including citizenship, governance, human rights, peace, social development and climate change. SCF is also striving to provide functional literacy to the adolescent who never been to school and engaged in informal income generation. SCF is providing them literacy packages and skill training which has proved to be very much effective for income generation modern competitive job market. SCF has engaged youth in environment sustainability and climate change related actions at local level.

Agro Based Skills Training for Youth

Youth employment is the core of the development of any nation. Agriculture sector is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy. The major industries of Pakistan rely on wheat, rice and cotton production. The agriculture sector has a share of more than 20% in Pakistan’s GDP. The sector also employs approximately 41% of the national labor force and provides sustenance to almost 67% of the national population.

The technology transfer is a rapid trend in agriculture sector, however the skills to deal the technology, specially solar and water management  but the local competency is not available so the growers has to pay high cost to seek the services for the maintenance and measurement of tube well.   However it has potential for employability and income generation for the young people living in the rural areas there is need to equip with potential market based skills for creating employability. The poverty is increasing day by day which is leaving worst impacts on the youth population. If the young people from the remote rural areas are skilled on the emerging agro-based skills than they would be able to seek this competence and earn at local level. SCF conducted training for young people on Agro Based Skills Training.