The recent climate change incidents in Pakistan has impacted the lives of women agriculture workers, as the heavy rainfall result damaged the cotton crop which was the main source of livelihood for the women cotton workers. Matiari district is badly affected district by the recent floods and more than 50000 women cotton workers are in higher need of climate compensation adaptation and resilience. They are with extreme poverty in the post-flood context as the off-season poverty has combined with the recent climate impacts. These workers work in the high degree centigrade temperature of 49 centigrade the work they have access to relative to men and the significant gender gap prevailing among casual agricultural workers during the picking and off season. The impact of climate change on the agricultural livelihoods of women are facing deep disparities between the work they have access to relative to men and the significant gender gap prevailing among seasonal agricultural workers. In cases of crop failure and fuel shortage, the whole burden falls on the women of the households to fetch fodder and fuel wood in Sindh. The women are les equipped with the climate change literacy and adaptation skills. Women can contribute to climate change action in a different manner.