Ongoing Projects

1. Project Title: Adult Women literacy program
Target geographic locationDistrict Matiari
Duration1st MARACH -30 August 2024
Funding Source/ DonorIndigo Textile
The project will provide comprehensive literacy training to 250 women cotton workers from 10 new villages of district Matiari . Through the project SCF will establish Suahee Literacy center , Suhaee in Sindhi means light. The women learners will attend the six month long literacy classes. The project will leave positive impact on the lives of women cotton workers to improve their literacy skills and secure improvements to wages and working conditions.
2. Project Title: Adult Women Literacy
Target geographic locationDistrict Sanghar and Badin
DurationFeb-Sep 2024
Funding Source/ DonorUnited Energy Pakistan Limited
The project will provide literacy skills to 50 women in 2 villages one in Sanghar and one in Badin through establishing of two literacy centers and six month informal education classes. The project will enable 50 women to read and write at the completion of the project.
3. Project Title: Pakistan Youth Leadership Initiative-PYLI
Target geographic locationDistricts Sanghar , Thatta and Matiari
Duration1 January 2024 – 31 Dec 2025
Funding Source/ DonorBritish Council Pakistan
The project is aimed to train and young 810 young male female people with the age of 18 to 24 years in leadership for environmental protection, climate change adaptation actions through training and small environmental actions at local level in targeted three districts of Sindh.
The young people will create the awareness among the young people and communities in their respective areas on environment and climate change related issues and will interact with local stakeholders.
4. Project Title: Reducing Domestic violence against women and girls in Humanitarians settings through legal awareness and effective coordination mechanism in Dadu district
Target geographic locationDistrict Ddau
DurationDec 2023- Nov 2024
Funding Source/ DonorLaw and Justice Commisssion Pakistan , Supreme Court Pakistan
The project is aimed to carry our research, data collection on GBV cases in post flood situation in district Dadu and will disseminated among the wider audiences by printing and finding sharing workshop. The project will train for 30 women and men community activists in Prevention of Domestic Violence Act 2013 for 30 women and men community activists, and will train sensitized the 30 young lawyers on the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act 2013. The project will develop an effective coordination workshop to develop and referral mechanism and compliance procedures.
The trained community activists and young lawyers will replicate awareness legal education sessions on Prevention of Domestic Violence Act 2013 and compliance and referral mechanism for speedy legal justice. Three type of IEC material both print and electronic media and platforms will be disseminated for community awareness.
5. Project Title: Advancing the Leadership of Women and Girls Towards Better Health and Climate Change Resilience
Target geographic locationDistrict Thatta
DurationAug 2023 to Nov 2025
Funding Source/ DonorPathfinder International
The project is aimed to address the issues of women and girl’s health, including RH morbidity, maternal and child health care developing 120 local community based volunteer cadres of youth and women as champions. The cadres will be trained on their role. They will be conducting community level awareness campaign regarding climate change and women and girls health intersection among communities on new/improved and integrated health care, newborn, infant, and child health care, and reproductive health care in low resource setting and reach 58972 communities district Thatta. These trained local champions will be promoting the knowledge and sensitization on gender equality and reach at 4500 male female community elders. A total of 875 male female communities and young people will be trained in preparedness for emergency shocks. The local committees will be developed who will be involve in developing local DRR plan and address the health problems in an efficient manner. With this project, SCF will create a local support mechanism to increase the access of young girls and women by integrating gender, health and climate in planning at municipal and district level. A multi-stakeholder forum on RH and Climate change will be established at district level engaging 40 (10 community-based organizations and groups, 30 local representatives engaged in networkingA total of 33627 project beneficiaries is anticipated to receive the integrated and specific health care services such as maternal and child health care, NCDs and NTDs, SRHR, and other various infectious diseases. Similarly, a total of 44400 married women of reproductive age will benefit from enhanced health care services and will also gain knowledge and skills on personal health care.
6. Project Title: Advancing labour rights of women cotton workers in rising temperature and climate change impacts in Sindh.
Target geographic location30 villages of district Matiari
DurationJuly 2023 to June 2025
Major Achievements/PurposeThe project support will sustain the impact of decent work and women economic empowerment for the women cotton workers and outreach from the 1050 to 3000 more and institutional development of organization. The solution will increase the access of women cotton worker to better and decent working conditions and economic empowerment. The solution will organize 3000 women cotton workers on labor rights, decent working condition, social and occupational safety and climate change adaptation and 1500 women with literacy and organize them into group and get registered 30 more groups as trade union. This will increase women leadership to negotiation and protection social and economic rights. The 1050 more vulnerable women cotton workers will gain income generation skills to improve their economic status in offseason. We are happy to have this grant support to strengthen our organization capacity and working . This has dual positive impact on improving the lives of 3000 women cotton workers as well organizational sustainability.
7. Project Title: Train CBOs and community-based/ outreach workers (lady health workers and male mobilizers) to conduct stigma reduction activities and provide referrals (incl sehat kahani web-based telehealth app and mobile service unit camps.
Target geographic locationHyderabad, Jamshoro and Dadu District
DurationJuly 2022 Feb 2024
Funding Source/ DonorIpas Pakistan
Major AchievementsThe prpject will train the lady health workers at Health facility on improved maternal and family planning services at Health facilities as well to educate 6000 women and girls on RH and health related matters, in district Jamshoro Dadu and Hyderabad
8. Project Title: Social Mobilization to achieve ODF-Open Defecation Free Villages –Community Led Total Sanitation-CLTS in District Matiari.
Target geographic location600 villages of District Matairi
DurationSep 2021- April 2024
Funding Source/ DonorLocal Government Department –AAP Government of Sindh
Major AchievementsCampaigning and social mobilization for Improved Hygiene Behaviour in 600 villages of District Matiari for Open Defecation Free Villages to reach 100000 people children and women and men