SCF has experience to work in disaster risk reduction and relief activities. SCF has prior experience in distribute of food to 5000 to 10000 families in district Jamshoro and District Mirpurkhas during flood 2010 and 2011. SCF has trained human resource in relief response, food distribution and management. SCF has already familiarization with the communities we want to serve through this project. SCF has implemented project Disaster resilient communities in Jamshoro District covering 31 villages affected by floods in 2010. Under the project SCF trained communities on local level DRR as well trained government officials and CSOs on DRR planning and management. The project resulted Improved socio economic condition of the women and increased the coping capacity of the communities against disasters. The project was supported by UNDP Pakistan. SCF has been working with national and international donors including UNWFP, UNESCO, UNDP and others in humanitarian responses. SCF has also responded the recent Covid19 crisis and supported 300 households, daily wagers home based workers, cotton workers , trans and disabled people in urban and rural areas by providing g Rashan and Hygiene kits. SCF provided online education support to the 50 needy girls whose learning score went poor because of long closure of the schools due to COVID19. SCF also installed hand sanitization station at the Rasham Gale Hyderabad for one months which benefited 40000 people . SCF provided training to the youth and communities on Hand sanitization as well social distancing and vaccination. SCF is implementing a project Advancing the Leadership of Women and Girls Towards Better Health and Climate Change Resilience in District Thatta , the project aimed to trained communities on Disaster resilience and early warning system in coastal areas along with disaster resilience health system. SCF has also worked for the community based disaster management plans at local level applying various tools of DRR planning.
Emergency and Humanitarian Response
SCF – Sindh Community Foundation is a dynamic force in disaster risk reduction and management. The organization takes proactive measures by employing early warning systems to anticipate and prepare for potential disasters. In times of crisis, SCF’s swift response includes effective rescue operations and the timely delivery of relief to affected communities. Equally vital is SCF’s dedication to the long-term process of rehabilitation, helping communities rebuild their lives after disaster strikes. SCF’s holistic approach to disaster emergencies exemplifies its commitment to safeguarding vulnerable populations and fostering resilience in the face of adversity. Devastated heavy rainfall flood badly effected more than 33 million people in Pakistan, 11 million people in Sindh. Around 33 million people have been affected by the heavy rains and floods, including at least 7.9 million people who have been displaced, of whom some 598,000 are living in relief camps. Nearly 800,000 refugees are estimated to be hosted in more than 40 calamity-notified districts. 13 districts in Sindh have been declared most affected by the disaster. Over 2 million houses have been impacted by the devastating floods in Pakistan as of 11 October, with over 1.3 million houses partially destroyed and 800,000 fully destroyed , a large number in Sindh . In total, 1,700 people have died, and 12,867 have suffered injuries. SCF is responding to the recent floods in Sindh province of Pakistan in worst effected districts including Matiari, Dadu, Sanghar, Badin, Jamshoro and Hyderabad. SCF has distributed immediate foods bags to the 1200 flood effected families and hygiene kits among 1200 women and girls . SCF also conducted mobile services units/MSU camps which provided health treatment-counseling to 900 women , men and children. SCF has pooled its own funds and mobilized the corporate sector and its previous donors to support the flood response. SCF received initial support from ARROW, Soorty Enterprise, Indigo ( Pvt) Limited and JDC Foundation .

Distribution of Kichen Sets and Dignity Kits and winterization kits among 400 Flood Affected Families in Dadu District
According to some of the research reports, female survivors of climate-related disasters are more likely to face decreased life expectancy, mental health disorders, exploitation and risk for trafficking, and increased complications in childbirth. During floods, the challenges faced by women and girls about their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs are magnified. Given the lack of space, facilities, and necessities, women cannot manage monthly menstruation in a safe, private, and dignified manner. SCF responded to the problem of lack of access to menstrual hygiene accessories in humanitarian settings. Women also remain very much concerned about their kitchen belongings due to floods, and their belongings are damaged. SCF applies the gender needs assessment and lenses in all its humanitarian responses. Through the evaluation conducted in district Matiari and Dadu SCF found that women are in dire need of support for their RH
SCF distributed Kitchen Sets and Dignity Kits Among 400 Flood-Affected Families in the four flood-affected villages of Dadu District. Sindh Community Foundation, in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and UNICEF, distributed the winterization kits among the 400 flood-affected families. This benefited 2100 family members in four badly affected villages of Taluka Saeedabad of district Matiari.

Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction
SCF is expanding its Disaster risk reduction program to create community preparedness and empowerment to combat future Disasters efficiently in three flood-affected districts, including Matiari, Sanghar, and Thatta. 1500 male-female communities and young people will be trained in preparedness for emergency shocks. The local committees will be developed to develop the local DRR plan and address health problems efficiently. With this project, SCF will create a regional support mechanism to increase the access of young girls and women by integrating gender, health, and climate in planning at the municipal and district levels. An effective community-based early warning system is needed at the time, with strong coordination with the district-level disaster management authorities to strengthen efforts to maximize loss and damage. SCF also focuses on school-based disaster risk reduction efforts in targeted areas.

Heritage Focused Disaster Risk Reduction
One of the world’s first cities came close to being wiped off the map during tragic floods this summer in Pakistan. Though Mohenjo Daro survived, it has become a symbol of the threat global warming poses to humanity’s cultural heritage. The recent heavy rainfall damaged 10% of the site of Moehnjo Daro according to the DOA Government of Sindh. The climate is serious threat to the heritage sites and if the measures are not properly done for the preparedness and safeguards of the site it could ruin and vulnerable to the future disasters. SCF was already working for developing a DRR plan for the site. SCF implemented Disaster Risk Management of Moen Jo Daro project in cooperation with International Centre for || the Study of the Preservation and || Restoration of Cultural Property. In this regards in the reporting period SCF conducted a numbers of activities ranging from the community based consultation field observation and risk analysis exercise along with the 5 members experts team to develop DRR plan for the heritage site Mohenjo Daro enlisted with UNESCO.SCF has conducted vulnerability and capacity assessment of the Mohen jo Daro site and trained 30 community and NGO activist on heritage based community disaster management practices and skills. SCF has also advocated for the protection of the heritage sites in province.