Pakistan is confronting severe environmental degradation and adverse effects of climate change. Climate change has become an alarming threat for both developed and developing countries. Efforts have been made at global level for retarding the pace of change in climatic conditions and reducing its impacts. SCF has taken environmental problems in account and designed comprehensive programs to mitigate the environmental degradation and climate change effects through action research, capacity building and awareness campaigning in Sindh province. SCF addressed the issues of deforestation and climate change at small level through launching action research on socio-economic impact of deforestation in District Matiari and also launched awareness campaign of reforestation and tree plantation among school children and communities in 12 villages.
SCF has also launched Climate change awareness campaign and trained 40 youth leaders for environmental activism in Hyderabad districts, SCF has planned to extend this campaign in other districts of Sindh to reach at wider population of rural areas and youth in province to sensitize and educate them on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. SCF has also undertaken project Building New Constituencies for Women’s RH: Climate change and Health (Pakistan) Research and Advocacy. In this regard, SCF conducted scoping study on impact of CC on women’s health in Sindh and brought the associated issues for further debate and discussion on Climate change and DRR polices at government and NGO levels. SCF also shared the recommendation and findings of the study with a wide range of civil society organizations, media and policy makers at provincial level through dialogue. It has formed CSOs Alliance on Climate Change and Health. SCF also trained more than 22 CSOs across the country on climate change and health impacts.

SCF is implementing climate justice for women cotton workers project , in this regard SCF provided awareness among women climate change adaptation and preparedness. The women cotton workers are the forefront to the climate crisis. SCF has also developed leadership capacity of 20 women leaders leading trade unions of cotton workers in district Matiari. SCF has also advocating for the climate and gender responsive governance and practices to support the vulnerable sections of the society. SCF has been very active in global advocacy of climate justice. SCF attended the Conference of Parties COP28 held by UNFCCC in 2023. Mr. Javed Hussain Executive Director attended the conference. In a workshop held by WECF, he also shared the impact of the work for decent work, just transition and climate change done by SCF in the year upon winning the GJCS award in 2022. SCF has also designed eco-friendly shads for the women cotton workers as decent work to be installed in the fields to combat the peak summer. The shad will protect their health, prevent health hazards, and will increase occupational safety and health for cotton workers.
Climate literacy for women agriculture workers and local level adaptation measures
SCF has launched climate literacy campaign targeting rural women agriculture workers who are the forefront victims of climate change impacts. In this regards SCF has reached 500 women cotton workers and increase their level of knowledge on climate change and adaptive measures. SCF has also sensitized the growers for decent work measures providing climate safety kits and eco-friendly sheds in fields. SCF has designed and introduced the localized climate safety kits and ecofriendly sheds first time for these works as climate change adaption measures. These workers are baldy impacted by climate change needs more resilience support.
Youth Capacity Building for Urban Environmental Sustainability through waste management
SCF is also implementing program on urban environmental sustainability for mental health through waste management approaches in the high wast generating areas of Hyderabad and Karachi. SCF has trained a pool of the 60 young community members from different locations of the Hyderabad city and Karachi engaged them in the awareness campaign drive for effective waste management behavioral change. Youth led replication se ssions . City SCF formed six groups from among the participants in the workshop who vowed to take social Environmental action, campaign for awareness among Citizens and install recycling waste bins at six locations Across Hyderabad including Naseem Nagar, Chandio Goth, Marvi Town,SheediGoth,Latifabadunit-7and Phulelli. SCF conducted 30 youth led sessions targeting 800 young people and communities in above said locations. These sessions brought a behavioral change shift among the young people and citizens on waste management. The young environmentalists took awareness and practical actions for improvement in waste management practices among children and communities in their respective areas.

Formation of Youth Network on Climate change and Environment -YANCE
SCF formed youth action network for environment and climate change to encourage youth participation in these issues . The network is increased its outreach and membership in the city and out of city. The network has been reached to 100 young volunteers in Hyderabad . The main objectives of YANCCE are To nurture youth leadership for climate change, To nurture youth leadership for climate change, adaptation, biodiversity and environmental intervention and debate To promote youth led climate change and environmental awareness campaigns across the country targeting general communities and young people To provide and encourage the spaces for youth to integrate with policy makers and resource providers at integrate with policy makers and resource providers at national, provincial and local level To establish networking of learning and sharing for young climate leaders at national , regional and international level The network was initially joined by 30 young people trained in youth leadership for climate change and environmental sustainability from the different areas of Hyderabad city. sustainability from the different areas of Hyderabad city. Later expanded membership of 100 young people across country. The network is committed to address climate change and environmental issues in rural and urban context through youth engagement and nurturing youth leadership. SCF has assisted the network by provision of space and resources to grow and expand the outreach of the network to bring more young people in the climate change activism in the other areas of Pakistan. A three year strategic plan of network has been developed.
Renewable Energy Solutions
Rural areas, in Sindh, have long grappled with a lack of access to reliable energy sources. This energy deficit has far-reaching consequences, hindering economic development, limiting educational opportunities, and impeding access to healthcare. SCF recognizes the transformative potential of renewable energy and is committed to making a difference. SCF employs to provide electricity to these underserved communities. These solutions not only provide the lighting to households, but also includes the solar power based water access solutions. These small infrastructures mitigate the environmental impact associated with fossil fuels but also offer a lifeline to those struggling with energy poverty. By electrifying homes, schools, and clinics, SCF empowers rural residents to engage in income-generating activities, study after dark, and access vital medical services. SCF is not just about providing energy; it’s about fostering sustainable development, empowering individuals, and breaking the cycle of poverty. Through this initiative, SCF is lighting up lives, illuminating the path to a brighter, more prosperous future for countless families in rural areas of Sindh. Together, we can ensure that no one is left in the dark, and everyone has a chance to thrive.
Solar panel support to the flood affected women headed houses
Pakistan, being a developing economy, is also facing the same dilemma. Around 40m people have no access to electricity, which constitutes almost 25pc of its population. The situation is more alarming in rural areas, where 44pc of domestic residents in more than 40,000 villages have no access to the electricity grid. Increase poverty is also one of the factors among the rural communities to adopt alternate energy sources . The alternate energy sources wind and solar are also costly and people are worst impacted by the climate incidences in rural areas of Sindh due to heavy floods incidents.. Access to power is the problem for the people living in rural areas. Floods have increased this problem. SCF is working for provision of alternate energy products to the poor and vulnerable people. Provided Solar panels to the 7 flood affected women headed households in District Matiari . The solar panel has improved access to the alternate power sources and reduced their miseries.

Grow Green Pakistan – Alternate energy and tree plantation in Urban Context in Hyderabad
The project is supported by Indus Consortium aimed to create understanding and awareness among the people in Hyderabad on alternate energy resources and practices and launch tree plantation campaign in urban perspective. The project has increased youth engagement in promoting message on alternate energy and climate change in urban perspective and led tree plantation campaigns in different localities of Hyderabad city.